Although not commonly known in the U.S., Acupuncture as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is capable of treating many medical conditions chronically managed in Western primary care. TCM therapies are usually provided in an adjunctive capacity to allopathic or osteopathic medicine, reinforcing and supporting patients’ natural reparative mechanisms, allowing them to reduce or eliminate their dependence on prescription medication. […]
The New Pediatric Pathology: Allergies, Asthma, Atopy (eczema, hives), and Autoimmune Disorders…The 4 A’s
Environmental toxins, genetically and chemically modified foods, and gut dysbiosis are creating health issues in our children. Our detoxification systems and immune systems are on over-drive reacting to constant triggers both inside and outside the body. Infectious diseases may be at an all-time low, but chronic conditions that are inflammatory and immune based are at an all-time high. The conditions affecting […]
Chinese Herbal Medicine and Allergic Asthma
Allergic Asthma is the most common form of asthma. Allergic asthma is an immune hyper- reaction triggered by allergens such as pollen, dust mites, causes the narrowing of airways passages in the lungs due to inflammation. This results in coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. There are approximately 24 million people in the US who have asthma. About […]
Relieve Allergy Symptoms with Acupuncture
If you’re suffering with allergies we want you to know there is a solution. Acupuncture along with Chinese herbs works wonders to relieve the symptoms of allergy while addressing the root cause. Our treatment protocols with get you relief quickly. Learn more about the way Chinese medicine treats allergy…