Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in general excel in the treatment of myriad hormonal conditions that are linked to infertility. Acupuncture has helped many women with varied fertility problems eventually conceive and give birth to healthy babies. Premature ovarian failure, abbreviated as POF, is the malfunctioning of the ovary before a woman hits 40 years of age. POF is mainly […]
Month: March 2019
The Body – The Original “Weather Channel”
I admit it – it was a riveting smack to the head which threw me WAY back into my past. As many of you know, I grew up in a time of huge televisions, a time when the networks were just introducing colorized shows, stereo “cabinets” and tethered telephone lines. I can even remember “telephone party lines” but even at my […]
Smile and Say “Chee”
People who follow me on Facebook know that when I check-in for my acupuncture appointment, I usually tag the location with a somewhat glib “Getting my Qi balanced”. And just as usually, there is someone who sends me a text or Facebook message that bluntly asks, “What exactly are you talking about?” Truly, the concept of Qi is much more than a […]
Treating IBS with Acupuncture and Herbs
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a well-known gastrointestinal disorder. It is characterized by a group of symptoms with no known pathogen. Typical symptoms include abdominal cramps with bloating and excessive gas, diarrhea alternating with constipation, the abdominal pain triggered by eating and relieved after a bowel movement. In most cases, mucus is present in the stool. Other symptoms may include […]