Among many other traditional Chinese remedies, acupuncture is undoubtedly one of the most progressive natural alternative medicines that can be used exclusively or complementary to other treatments. Studies into the efficacy of acupuncture in treating common to complex ailments have made a solid case for its use. While it may seem new to other spheres in the world, acupuncture has […]
Month: August 2019
Eating to Optimize Fertility
One of the most powerful health choices you can make when preparing for fertility is your diet. For both men and women, eating a diet rich in whole foods, vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants will help in preparing for pregnancy. Many studies have shown that even small changes to your diet can help in optimizing fertility outcomes such as conception, preventing […]
Acupuncture and Arthritis
It is easier to describe what arthritis is than to define it. This is because arthritis isn’t a single condition but rather a general term used to refer to a group of related joint ailments and joint pain. Indeed, there are at least a hundred known arthritic conditions that impact on joints. The various arthritic conditions have different causes, although […]