Month: March 2018

TCM and Spring

TCM and Spring

I love spring – it’s my favorite season. Living in South Florida limits ones’ season of spring to often a few weeks – sometimes, spring lasts a few hours of even fewer days. While I readily admit these past two years have made me see and revise many things looking through the lenses of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I never thought […]

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Acupuncture and Insomnia

Acupuncture and Insomnia

Insomnia is a prevalent condition for most people in the United States. There are millions who struggle to fall or stay asleep. While for most people the problem may be periodic, there are those who struggle with sleep problems far much more frequently. The numbers suggest that many adults within the ages of 19-45 struggle with sleeping problems. 30 to […]

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Just Say No!

Just Say No!

I grew up watching Ben Casey, Dr. Kildare and Marcus Welby compassionately care for their television patients. This fictional medical world became my reality because, as I have said before, I was a relatively healthy – if large – child. My medical visits were few and far in between. I can only think of one major illness – other than […]

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Chinese Herbs 101

Chinese Herbs 101

If you watch any amount of television you soon realize that in any given hour, you’re going to see a commercial for some new drug. Usually, the commercial begins by asking if you are suffering from an array of illnesses:   allergies, anxiety, arthritis, constipation, depression, digestive issues, headaches, etc., etc. Then after insisting their new drug will cure you, the […]

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Nutrition for Menopause

Nutrition for Menopause

There is a common misconception around menopause that it has to be miserable for many women. The weight gain, hot flashes, headaches, insomnia, lowered sex drive, loss of hair, thinning, drying skin are just a few symptoms that women are told are quite normal during menopause. They are not uncommon by any means; but they also don’t have to be […]

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Chinese Herbs for Insomnia

Chinese Herbs for Insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep disorder where people have trouble sleeping. It is characterized as difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up often during the night and having trouble going back to sleep. Insomnia is typically accompanied by symptoms like daytime drowsiness, low energy, irritability, and depression. Insomnia can be short term, lasting for days or weeks, or long term, […]

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PCOS and Nutrition

PCOS and Nutrition

PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, use to be thought of as a sex hormone imbalance; mainly a sign of testosterone dominance. The symptoms were treated with birth control or other hormonal treatments trying to get the ovaries to produce more estrogen and balance progesterone. After realizing these methods were not working, more money was put into research to finally discover that […]

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