Although not commonly known in the U.S., Acupuncture as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is capable of treating many medical conditions chronically managed in Western primary care. TCM therapies are usually provided in an adjunctive capacity to allopathic or osteopathic medicine, reinforcing and supporting patients’ natural reparative mechanisms, allowing them to reduce or eliminate their dependence on prescription medication. […]
The Benefits of Regular Acupuncture Sessions
These are difficult times for people to think about health. You cannot open a newspaper, watch the news, scroll through Facebook or flip through Instagram and YouTube without seeing/hearing another article on this year’s bumper crop of viruses, the pros and cons of vaccines, newly emerging heart and orthopedic diseases as well as the usual, mind-spinning conflicting and contradictory dietary […]
Moving Forward: TCM, Acupuncture and a New Year
And somewhere, mid-December, my mind went into “park”. I was stuck. While I write this in late January of 2020, let me just say the past three or four weeks have vividly reminded me of my human failings – and the need for Traditional Chinese Medicine in my life. To recap: Those of you who are regular followers know that […]
A TCM Roadmap: Thriving – Not Just Living
By Susan Tretakis – Coral Springs, Florida – If writing about healthy food and good nutrition in November wasn’t difficult enough, writing about taking some time for care for just yourself in the month of December walks a scary line between sanity and insanity. December heralds a month where everyone I know is running in too many directions at once. […]
Food Matters
I have to be honest; for me, beginning in September and throughout December, I feel as if I am under a continual attack from a variety of poor, unhealthy food choices. Tempting choices. Foods that I rarely think about now literally scream my name – from the television, from the free samples being given out at markets, from recipes demonstrated daily […]
Acupuncture and Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia, also known as fibromyalgia syndrome, is a chronic or lasting disorder that is generally symptomized by widespread continuous musculoskeletal aching that comes with memory problems or difficulties in paying attention, fatigue, depression and sleep problems. Fibromyalgia is blamed for amplifying pain around the body’s tender points by impacting on the way the brain processes pain signals. Women are at a […]
Qi – Interrupted
People are asking me whether I am ever to go to write for Care Wellness again. My immediate reaction is one of surprise: the concept of having actual “followers”- people out there who read my posts – and people really think that my research into TCM, Chinese herbs and acupuncture amount to more than just my opinion – is, truly, astounding […]
Acupuncture, TCM and Sciatic Pain
I have a friend – who – unlike myself – is not known for speaking outside of the assigned politically correct language rules. She was however, quick to say, when I told her about this article and my experiences last month, that “her sciatica is a bigger pain in the butt than her first and second husbands combined.” For those of us […]