It’s very difficult for me to write anything these days without hearing these lyrics in my mind. Did I ever think that going to the supermarket would involve so much preparation? That walking in my neighborhood would become a daily matter of social distancing and attempting to pacify out-of-control neighbors?? Since March 30th, when my county officially began closing down, I began […]
Susan Tretakis
The Benefits of Regular Acupuncture Sessions
These are difficult times for people to think about health. You cannot open a newspaper, watch the news, scroll through Facebook or flip through Instagram and YouTube without seeing/hearing another article on this year’s bumper crop of viruses, the pros and cons of vaccines, newly emerging heart and orthopedic diseases as well as the usual, mind-spinning conflicting and contradictory dietary […]
Moving Forward: TCM, Acupuncture and a New Year
And somewhere, mid-December, my mind went into “park”. I was stuck. While I write this in late January of 2020, let me just say the past three or four weeks have vividly reminded me of my human failings – and the need for Traditional Chinese Medicine in my life. To recap: Those of you who are regular followers know that […]
A TCM Roadmap: Thriving – Not Just Living
By Susan Tretakis – Coral Springs, Florida – If writing about healthy food and good nutrition in November wasn’t difficult enough, writing about taking some time for care for just yourself in the month of December walks a scary line between sanity and insanity. December heralds a month where everyone I know is running in too many directions at once. […]
Food Matters
I have to be honest; for me, beginning in September and throughout December, I feel as if I am under a continual attack from a variety of poor, unhealthy food choices. Tempting choices. Foods that I rarely think about now literally scream my name – from the television, from the free samples being given out at markets, from recipes demonstrated daily […]
Qi – Interrupted
People are asking me whether I am ever to go to write for Care Wellness again. My immediate reaction is one of surprise: the concept of having actual “followers”- people out there who read my posts – and people really think that my research into TCM, Chinese herbs and acupuncture amount to more than just my opinion – is, truly, astounding […]
Acupuncture, TCM and Sciatic Pain
I have a friend – who – unlike myself – is not known for speaking outside of the assigned politically correct language rules. She was however, quick to say, when I told her about this article and my experiences last month, that “her sciatica is a bigger pain in the butt than her first and second husbands combined.” For those of us […]
Acupuncture, TCM and Post Partum Depression
Many people think that I am against western medicine, against western doctors and against western hospitals and other western health care facilities. I’m not. Trust me, I may have come to age in a counter culture society, but I would not want to be treated for a heart attack on the side of the road, or have a broken limb treated […]