
Acupuncture, TCM and Depression

Acupuncture, TCM and Depression

When Simon and Garfunkel released this song in 1966, I was enough of an English-major nerd to know it was based on a poem written by Edwin Arlington Robinson in 1897. It is a cautionary tale about admiring someone else and being misled by appearances. Today, the poem stays with me, shocking in its clarity about the dangers of depression. […]

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TCM and Grief

TCM and Grief

Grief is a horrible emotion; it means that you have lost someone or something from your life.   At some point, everyone will experience grief. I view grief as the price one pays for loving and caring; seen through that pair of lenses, grief can be affirming. My inner- professional knows how to work through the grief process. Because it has […]

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Acupuncture for Anxiety

Acupuncture for Anxiety

Anxiety and related disorders are a real problem in the US, affecting over 40 million people over the age of 18.This number is actually believed to be a conservative estimate, as a lot of patients are misdiagnosed or even completely ignorant of their situations, meaning that they are not aware that what they are experiencing is anxiety. Young people, especially, […]

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Acupuncture and Emotional Trauma

Acupuncture and Emotional Trauma

I have often said that acupuncture has changed my life. Changing ones’ life is no small feat; however, recent events have shown me that acupuncture – along with Traditional Chinese teachings – have helped me regain a life that was shaken to the core this past Valentines’ Day. I live in a community directly impacted by the lone gunman who […]

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Chinese Herbs and the Treatment of ADHD

Chinese Herbs and the Treatment of ADHD

ADHD is a condition that is diagnosed on the basis of the presence of a degree of inattention or hyperactivity and impulsivity that is so great it interferes with a person’s ability to succeed at home, school, work, or in relationships with others. To be diagnosed with ADHD, a child must show at least six symptoms of inattention, impulsivity, or […]

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